Holding Families
Holding Families Programme
If you are a family that would benefit from taking part in the Holding Families programme, or you are a professional wishing to refer a family, please download and fill out our Referral Form and return to info@earlybreak.co.uk
The award winning Holding Families programme provides whole family support for children and family members affected by parental substance use. We work with parents and carers at any stage of their recovery from drugs and alcohol use.
We work with each family member separately and also as a family unit. We will work with families where there is at least one young person under the age of 18 living in the family home or where the substance using parent is pregnant. At least one of the parents should have problematic drug or alcohol use. Families can be referred by themselves or by any professional working with them.
The aim of the programme is to give the whole family the opportunity to talk about any problems caused by drugs and alcohol and to allow the children’s voices to be heard by the family. Ultimately, the programme aims to empower families to make positive decisions on the changes they would like to make to help improve family life.