Woodland Community Primary School is a highly inclusive school with a dedicated team who strive to continually remove barriers for our children and their families. Our team are highly skilled and experienced in delivering tiered support to all families who require it. The core Inclusion Offer at our school is for all families. As part of our open door culture, our Child Welfare Lead, Georgina Bradley and our Pastoral Officer, June Williams are dedicated full time to supporting families in need.
This routinely includes:
- Available during the school day for phone calls, emails and advice
- Signposting to specialist services
- Specific advice linked to parenting or behavioural issues
- Assistance with the completion of forms e.g. Transfer Forms, High School Applications, DLA Forms, Housing Issues
- Weekly Informal Drop-Ins with Parents and Carers
- Crisis Assistance
- Liaising with other services to support families
In addition to our universal offer, we provide targeted support and intervention based on the specific needs of individual children and families. Some interventions are delivered by our highly skilled staff whilst others are through external providers.