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Our Learning

WB 27.01.2025


This week, Year 3 have been looking at measuring force. We learnt that force is measured in Newtons and that we can measure a pull and push force. We investigated the force needed to move different objects in the classroom. 

WB 20.01.2025


This week, in English we have been looking at writing an advert for a trip to Pompeii. We started off by looking at the features of an advert including persuasive language, catchy slogans and rhetorical questions. We planned our advert by doing our own research on Pompeii. We are now writing up our advert by using illustrations and wow bubbles.

WB 06.01.2025

This week, Year 3 started their new science topic ‘Magnets and Forces.’ We started by looking at push and pull forces that make something move. We categorised everyday movements into push and pull categories. We learnt that forces cause objects to move, change their speed or change their shape. 

WB 16.12.2024


This week, the children have designed their own Stone Age inspired menu. Using ideas from the book ‘Stone Age Boy’ the children created their own restaurant and came up with their own starter, main and dessert course. They used lots of expanded noun phrases and their senses to describe the food. After creating the plan, they stained their menus with tea bags to make them look historic. They wrote their menus up in beautiful handwriting and added diagrams. They look amazing!

WB 02.12.2024

This week, Year 3 took part in their DT project ‘Cook and Eat Well’ by making their own tacos. Before the lesson, the children had designed their own tacos using a design criteria. The children had to safely chop all the vegetables before they were added to the chicken. The children topped their tacos with their favourite toppings. The tacos were delicious! 

WB 18.11.2025


This week, Maple class have been working on their art project ‘Prehistoric Pots’. They started off by designing their own Beaker Bell Pot inspired by the Bronze Age. The children used clay and a range of techniques to create the thumb pots. Then, the children used the design tools to create patterns on their pots. 

WB 11.11.2024

This week, the children in Year 3 have been writing poems for Remembrance Day. The children set their poem out in a Cinquain style which is a form of syllabic poetry on a 5 line structure. The children came up with respectful phrases to honour the fallen. 

WB 14.10.2024

Over the past week, we have been completing our ‘Contrast and Complement’ topic in art. We have learnt how to use watercolours and the techniques needed to pick up the colours. We have studied the colour wheel and have looked at tertiary colours and complementary colours. We have created our own paintings inspired by artists by using warm colours or cool colours. 



WB 30.09.2024


This week, Year 3 have carried out a science investigation for our new topic ‘Animal Nutrition and Skeletal System’. We carried out a simple test to see how much fat is in different foods. We used 6 food samples of: biscuits, crisps, vegetable crisps, crackers, rice cakes and chocolate. We used our scientific skills by predicting which foods would contain the most and least fat. We concluded that the biscuits had the most fat in and the crackers had the least fat in. We linked this learning to our previous lesson on the Eatwell Plate. 

WB 16.09.2024

This week, in Geogrpahy for our topic ‘One World, Our Planet’ we started to look at geographical features. We sorted features out into two categories, human features and physicals features. We learnt that features created by humans are human features such as roads, towns and bridges. We learnt that physical features are created by nature such as mountains, beaches and rivers. 

WB 09.09.2024

This week, the children have started their first maths topic on Place Value. We started to look at ways to represent numbers to 100. We used concrete objects to get a sense of the size of numbers to 100 to see clearly the number of tens and ones each number is made up of. We have also used jottings to represent numbers to 100 and have used part-whole models to partition numbers to 100.