Our Learning
WB 30.09.2024
This week, Year 3 have carried out a science investigation for our new topic ‘Animal Nutrition and Skeletal System’. We carried out a simple test to see how much fat is in different foods. We used 6 food samples of: biscuits, crisps, vegetable crisps, crackers, rice cakes and chocolate. We used our scientific skills by predicting which foods would contain the most and least fat. We concluded that the biscuits had the most fat in and the crackers had the least fat in. We linked this learning to our previous lesson on the Eatwell Plate.
WB 16.09.2024
This week, in Geogrpahy for our topic ‘One World, Our Planet’ we started to look at geographical features. We sorted features out into two categories, human features and physicals features. We learnt that features created by humans are human features such as roads, towns and bridges. We learnt that physical features are created by nature such as mountains, beaches and rivers.
WB 09.09.2024
This week, the children have started their first maths topic on Place Value. We started to look at ways to represent numbers to 100. We used concrete objects to get a sense of the size of numbers to 100 to see clearly the number of tens and ones each number is made up of. We have also used jottings to represent numbers to 100 and have used part-whole models to partition numbers to 100.