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Woodland Community Primary School home page

Roles and Responsibilities

The School Council at Woodland Community Primary School is a collaborative and pupil led group, with pupils from Reception to Year 6 taking part in half-termly meetings and discussions about issues facing the school. The children will have the opportunity to share and implement ideas that will help improve our school and community. Members of the School Council will be responsible for implementing ideas that have been agreed and shared with their peers. 


What will the School Council do?


  • Be a spokesperson for their peers and ensure everyone has a voice.
  • Identify any issues within their year group and give feedback at meetings. 
  • Improve school and the community for all.
  • Decide on action points for improvements.
  • Prioritise issues and the needs of the school. 
  • School tours for visitors. 
  • Be ambassadors for the school at important events. 
  • Help organise events.