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Woodland Community Primary School home page

Shine and Shine+

What we do

This is a 10 week parenting group for parents/carers of primary school aged children who have social and communication needs.
We share lots of information on a range of topics e.g communication, play, sleep, celebrating your child's gifts and talents and who else can support.
We also have therapist input from Speech and Language, Parent Carer Voice and Rochdale SENDiass. You have the chance to learn from other parents and increase your social network.


We can help with:

Disability advocacy/participation

Including children and young people with disabilities in community activities and decisions about themselves.

Find out more about Disability advocacy/participation

Search for Disability advocacy/participation services


Shine Parenting Group for Children Aged Under 5

What we do

This is a 6 week parenting group for parents/carers of children aged 5 and under whose children have social and communication needs. We share lots of information on a range of topics e.g communication, play, sleep, celebrating your child's gifts and talents and who else can support. We also have input from Rochdale SENDiass. You have the chance to learn from other parents and increase your social network.

For more details and to request a place please ring 01706 769634

We can help with

Family support

Supporting parents, carers and families with guidance and activities 

Search for Family support services

Parenting programmes

Training programmes and workshops, family learning activities, community based development support and family mediation services.

Search for Parenting programmes services