Wellbeing Dominos
The provision of Wellbeing Dominoes in schools has resulted in improved student wellbeing.
What is Wellbeing Dominoes?
Wellbeing Dominoes is a tried and tested creative engagement tool developed by our Art for Wellbeing practitioners. An established artist and registered counsellor worked with participants who had experienced mental health and wellbeing issues to create this toolkit containing 28 easy-to-deliver activities. The intelligently designed creative activities are based on the ‘5 ways to wellbeing model’ and support participants in identifying ways to create, experiment, sense, nurture and relax in order to improve their wellbeing.
Who is Wellbeing Dominoes for?
Wellbeing Dominoes benefits a broad spectrum of pupils experiencing any kind of social, emotional or health barrier preventing them from fully engaging in the opportunities provided by school life e.g.
- low level mental health issues
- behavioural difficulties
- traumatic events
- social isolation
- refugees
- asylum seekers
- new international arrivals
Case Study: Rochdale
Wellbeing Dominoes was provided to 9 schools (5 primary schools and 4 high schools) across the Borough of Rochdale during 2018. We trained school staff on how to use the resource to facilitate closed group sessions. Wellbeing was measured for each participating pupil at the beginning and the end of the block of sessions using the Stirling Wellbeing Scale and analysis found 69% of the pupils showed a positive increase in their wellbeing scores and a further 11% maintained their wellbeing scores through the sessions.
After completing the first block of sessions the facilitators reported the tool had acted as a catalyst for some of the previously unengaged pupils to become more engaged with the schools’ wider offerings. One of the high school facilitators said:
“We took a risk-we wanted to take a risk- by involving some of our high profile students, but they engaged really well. They were always there. We never had to send for them. They were always in on the day unless they were formally excluded. They now come and touch base with us at break and lunchtime which never happened before. We are rolling the programme constantly now."
It also gave students an opportunity to shine reports a primary school facilitator:
“We chose the children who worry. They don’t get much attention because they don’t shout. It worked really well, even though we were competing with PE. They loved drawing with their eyes shut – laughed their heads off! The teacher stayed in for some sessions and she was gobsmacked. She had never seen the children so active or outspoken. I would choose to work with these children again.